man on his couch with anxiety

Inpatient Rehab For Anxiety and Substance Use Disorder

Understanding The Process, Benefits, and Success of Holistic Recovery From Co-Occurring Disorders

On its own, anxiety can be debilitating and even scary. When paired with substance use disorder, it can be life-threatening.

While co-occurring disorders like these do not cause one another, they can make it increasingly difficult to cope with either.

Recent studies show that approximately 18% of those with substance use disorder (SUD) also had at least one type of independent anxiety disorder.[1] Additionally, 42% of those who sought treatment for substance abuse also had an independent anxiety disorder.[2]

Anxiety and Substance Use Disorder Key Points:

  • Anxiety is defined by excessive and often uncontrollable worry over routine matters.
  • Anxiety disorders fall into four categories: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Phobia-Related Disorders.
  • Anxiety can increase the risk of substance use disorder, depression, and suicidal ideation.
  • Approximately 18% of those with substance use disorder (SUD) also have at least one type of independent anxiety disorder.
  • The best way to treat substance use disorder with anxiety is to integrate treatment for both so as not to contribute to harmful patterns or hinder recovery success.
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    What Is Anxiety?

    When faced with danger, your body has a natural fight or flight response that is part of your safety response. However, anxiety or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) can throw this natural response into overdrive for seemingly no reason.

    Anxiety is defined by excessive and often uncontrollable worry over routine matters. This pattern impacts mental and emotional health and can have physical ramifications as well. Common anxiety symptoms include:[3]

    • Out-of-control worry
    • Restlessness
    • Trembling
    • Heart palpitations
    • Insomnia
    • Exhaustion
    • Irritability
    • Weakness
    • Inability to concentrate

    In an emergency, these signals help your body activate heightened awareness or self-preservation. But when related to anxiety over daily routine matters, it can be disruptive or even debilitating.

    Other Types of Anxiety Disorders

    Not all anxiety disorders are the same and can present different symptoms and challenges. The National Institute of Mental Health classifies anxiety disorders into four general categories:[4]

    • Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Defined by a persistent sensation of dread, often for months or years at a time.
    • Panic Disorder: This is characterized by sudden and severe panic attacks, even when there is no present danger.
    • Social Anxiety Disorder: Those who struggle with this type of anxiety fear or dread social situations, sometimes to the degree of interfering with daily activities.
    • Phobia-Related Disorders: These are specific phobias, like a fear of insects, flying, heights, injections, being in closed or open spaces, separation from loved ones, or even a reluctance to speak (selective mutism).

    No matter which type you may be struggling with, when you add alcohol or substance use, your ability to cope may be greatly reduced.

    Anxiety and Addiction Statistics

    The latest data available from The World Health Organization (2019) shows that anxiety disorders are the world’s most common mental health struggle, affecting over 301 million people.[5] It’s more common to find anxiety in women than men, and it can often begin presenting in childhood or youth. It was also revealed that anxiety can increase the risk of substance use disorder, depression, and suicidal ideation.[6]

    The Substance Use Disorder and Anxiety Connection

    Alcohol, prescription drugs, and illicit substances can alter brain functioning and exacerbate some mental health disorders and the associated symptoms. This is especially common with drugs that affect reward, impulse control, decision-making, and emotional regulation.[7]

    On the flip side, some mental health conditions can lead to self-medication tactics in order to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety or other disorders, even if only temporarily.[8] The best way to approach treatment and healing for substance use disorder is to also integrate treatment for any underlying mental health conditions that may contribute to harmful patterns or hinder recovery success.

    Inpatient Rehab For Anxiety and Addiction Recovery at Wellbridge

    We’re on a mission to help every person affected by addiction and the people who care for them achieve long-lasting recovery. Don’t let anxiety keep you from seeking life-saving treatment options. We can help treat anxiety and substance use together.

    Detox and Medical Stabilization

    Our detox and stabilization program provides medically supervised support and treatment to help you safely navigate withdrawal and anxiety symptoms as you begin your recovery journey.

    Residential Rehab

    In our residential treatment program, you will experience 24/7 support and compassionate care in a therapeutic and serene environment.

    Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT):

    We can promote better outcomes and sustained recovery by integrating FDA-approved medication management strategies and blending them with evidence-based treatment for addiction and anxiety disorders.


    Our signature RENEW Program is curated for those who struggle with persistent substance use after other treatment attempts by providing intensive care and unparalleled support.

    Healthcare Professionals Program

    This specialized program was created to meet the unique needs of medical professionals who also struggle with substance use. In this program, we offer specialized and confidential care within a compassionate environment.

    Continuing Care

    This is where you will experience ongoing support and access to valuable resources after formal treatment has ended. These assets will help you maintain sobriety and reintegrate back into everyday life.


    Our Alumni program offers a like-minded, goal-oriented, and supportive community for patients who have completed one of our treatment programs. Here, you will experience multiple opportunities for connection and access to vital education during your recovery.

    Learn More About Levels of Care

    Substance Use and Anxiety Treatment Modalities at Wellbridge

    Anxiety disorder treatment and substance use disorder treatment share some components. Each patient will undergo a detailed and comprehensive evaluation covering mental, physical, and social health to determine what treatments and wellness interventions will benefit you the most.

    At Wellbridge, the following modalities are some of what you can expect at our 96-acre campus with a 10,000-square-foot Wellness Center:

    Learn More About Our Therapies

    Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab For Depression and Addiction Treatment

    What is the best therapy for anxiety?

    In therapy and scientific circles, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is regarded as one of the primary interventions for anxiety, and even other treatments are based on the same framework. [9]

    How long does rehab for anxiety and substance use typically last?

    Treatment timelines are determined by the individualized treatment plan. It will depend on the recommended level of care and personal recovery goals. However, the average stay at Wellbridge is 28 days.

    How can I find a rehab center for anxiety and substance use disorder near me?

    Wellbridge serves the greater New York area for local patients and offers a peaceful oasis for those from out of town. Browse our local treatment and resource guides for many neighboring cities and towns.


    [1][2]Grant, B. F., Stinson, F. S., Dawson, D. A., Chou, S. P., Dufour, M. C., Compton, W., Pickering, R. P., & Kaplan, K. (2006). Prevalence and co-occurrence of substance use disorders and independent mood and anxiety disorders: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Archives of General Psychiatry, 61(8), 807-816. 

    [3]National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). (n.d.). A Comprehensive Review of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder. PubMed Central (PMC). Retrieved from

    [4]National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). (n.d.). Anxiety disorders. Retrieved from

    [5][6][9]World Health Organization (WHO). (n.d.). Anxiety disorders. Retrieved from

    [7][8]National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (n.d.). Why there is comorbidity between substance use disorders and mental illnesses. Common Comorbidities with Substance Use Disorders Research Report. Retrieved from

    Find Relief and Healing With Rehab For Anxiety and Substance Use Disorder At Wellbridge

    You need the opportunity to focus on your healing and recovery. At Wellbridge, our 96-acre facility in the Long Island countryside offers a distraction-free environment where you can pour yourself into creating a whole new you. Contact us today to learn more about getting started at Wellbridge.